Tag Archives: herbalism

A plant per day in Costa Rica

Selected medicines of the jungle for common ailments

It is not an easy task to pick only a few medicinal plants between the many here in the biosphere of Costa Rica. The knowledge of jungle remedies is very strong in rural areas, and even botanists are puzzled by new species discovered every year. There are some versatile ethnobotanicals I love, I use and I am more familiar with in my practice. These plants are very versatile, as they don’t serve only one purpose; they may be food, and medicine too. Some of my favourite species are also used as a sacrament or connected to rituals. When planning a new medicinal garden I always want to include them. You’ll see why.

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Shamanism? Herbalism? Go local to avoid queues and save plants

Ambiguous times in the globe when all the rare and desirable delicacies, the exotic marvels we dream of, are accessible and available. Globalization made things easier and yet very complex.

While politicians and concerned citizens stare at the borders with sparks of xenophobia, many others grow a strong appetite for the strangest unknown,

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