An Overview on Natural Medicine
The quantity and quality of information brought to this comprehensive online course will allow any student to plan conscious interventions for preventing chronic disorders and increase the general well being.
Several treatments are discussed and passed under the scrutiny of modern research.
A series of medicinal plants and mushrooms are reviewed for the general prescription of tailored formulas as suggested in modern Naturopathy.
Most classes are theoretical, while 10 hours are dedicated to case-studies and Q&A. Educational material and books will be available for download.
A Certificate of Attendance is issued by the Centre upon completion of the course.
Chronic Disorders are on the rise and Natural Medicine can provide abundant solutions and strategies to unveil the intricate web of illness and the elements of unbalance. Accumulation of toxins, allergens and hormones may play an essential role in the development of these disorders, so that the first line of action becomes full awareness and a mind-body approach. In this intensive course you will learn the mechanisms behind low-grade inflammation and the subsequent cascade of events leading to chronic cellular stress. We will unveil the common elements of digestive, metabolic and endocrine disorders, food intolerance and auto-immune disease. Beyond the theoretical aspects we will follow real case-studies in order to put into practice what learnt in the classroom.
– Biology and Physiology of Chronic Disorders
– Low-grade Inflammation and Cellular Stress
– Detoxification and Nutrition
– Herbs and Mushrooms for Chronic Disorders
– Natural Strategies and Prevention
– Supplements and Nutraceuticals
– Somatic Therapies and Mind-Body Medicine
– Pain Management and Stress Reduction Techniques
– Complementary Therapies and Last Research
– Review of Case-studies with tailored advice
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