Alquimia – Centre of Healing Arts

Symbology of Trauma Online Course

symbology of trauma course

It is said that no content can be present in a person’s consciousness unless it is symbolized. Symbols as objective representations of deep, latent, invisible contents with hidden meanings, and are especially important in understanding trauma.Psychoanalysis is particularly intrigued in the use of symbols in dreams and artistic creations as a means of accessing the unconscious. A phenomenological investigation of trauma survivors’ artworks revealed unique combinations of symbols that represented universal struggle, horror, violence, and helplessness. Aside from that, most of the unconscious parts metaphorically aid therapists to uncover hidden realities and solve complex cases.

Symbols have a very important unifying function: they link together the body and the outer world,emotions and representations, the past and the future, and many other elements. When a person is struck by trauma it is precisely this unifying function which is broken.

Do you want to learn more?

JOIN this comprehensive course and discover the fundamental unconscious elements behind trauma.


First Part: Psychoanalytical approach to trauma, the unconscious and the metaphorical experience, symbols found in artwork of trauma survivors

Second Part: Projective tests (TAT, RORSCHACH, DRAWING TECHNIQUES), Art Therapy, Cases & Strategies, Personal Notes

FEES: 30$ inclusive of videoclasses, pdf material, online tutoring 


bundle online courses trauma